Exercise and Activity Recommendations
Morgan H. Kocher, PHD, ATC, CSCS Assistant Professor of Exercise Science Exercise and Sport Studies Department, Chair Heidelberg University https://youtu.be/dnsaTXawgjA
The language of lying
Dear friends, This week's program is about lying. https://www.ted.com/talks/noah_zandan_the_language_of_lying?subtitle=en&geo=de
The World’s Longest Non-Stop Flight
Dear friends, This week's program is about the world's longest flight and it was suggested by Chuck Hoffhine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXEK3ryoWE4
The secret world of cybercrime
Dear friends, This week's program is about cybercrime. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mR9PfEOFFo
3 Lessons of Life – My Lessons I have learned in Rotary’s fight to eradicate Polio
PDG James Hunt tells his personal story of 3 lessons he has learned along the way as part of Rotary's efforts to accomplish its mission to eradicate Polio. At the end of this video, use this link to take advange [...]
The art of misdirection
Dear friends, This week's program is about the art of misdirection and it was suggested by Chuck Hoffhine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZGY0wPAnus
How to live a meaningful life
Dear friends, This week's program is about living a meaningful life. https://www.ted.com/talks/brian_s_lowery_how_to_live_a_meaningful_life?utm_source=homepage_psychologytrending-ideas&utm_content=1&utm_term=video-title&subtitle=en&geo=de
Fighting Workaholism: You Are Not a Success Machine
Dear friends, This week's program is about fighting workaholism and it was suggested by Jim Hunt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAMzp-jFymY
Dancing for Rain Global Grant Zoom Meeting
This is a Rotary International meeting to celebrate and inform you about the progress of Phase I and Phase II of two Rotary Global Grants. These grants are intended to serve native indigenous people and communities in the Sierra Tarahumara, [...]
The global learning crisis and what to do about it
Dear friends, This week's program is about the global learning crisis and it was suggested by Ken Robinson. https://www.ted.com/talks/amel_karboul_the_global_learning_crisis_and_what_to_do_about_it?subtitle=en&geo=de
A Star Is About to Explode (And You’ll Be Able to See It)
Dear friends, This week's program is about star exploding, and it was suggested by Chuck Hoffhine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5i6aEA-RkOQ
Tim Ryan, Rotary District 6600 Governor
Tim Ryan, Rotary District 6600 (Northwest Ohio) Governor for the Rotary year 2024-2025, visits the Pathways Rotary Club to introduce himself and share his personal Rotary Story about the importance of why Rotary Clubs must enhance and simplify the organization’s [...]