Cooperative for Education: Guatemala Literacy Project

Ohio Pathways Rotary E-Club Members Jim and Sue Hunt will be traveling to Guatemala with Linda and Bob Kuck this February, 2018 to work with this project. After they return, stay tuned for trip details (photos, videos, etc.)! We can’t wait to hear all about it! 🙂

Why Guatemala?
Guatemala exhibits one of the most extreme combinations
of systemic poverty, illiteracy, and inequality in the Western
hemisphere. In the areas we serve, 3 out of 4 live in poverty, and
over 1/3 of the population cannot read or write.

What Is the GLP?
The Guatemala Literacy Project (GLP) is a network of individual
Rotarians, Rotary clubs and districts, and the nonprofit
Cooperative for Education (CoEd), with a common interest in
improving education for underserved students in Guatemala.
Since 1997 over 500 clubs around the world have participated in
the GLP, making it the largest multi-club, multi-district project in
Rotary that is not directed by Rotary International itself.

How Does it Work?
The GLP works collaboratively by securing Global Grants from
The Rotary Foundation and serving as ambassadors to promote
and support projects and activities that enhance education in
Guatemala. 100% of GLP donations go directly to supporting the
project, 0% to administration or fundraising.

To learn more, please visit the GLP and CoEd websites: