This weeks program is about child hunger and poverty in New Jersey. An in-depth look at the hunger epidemic plaguing urban America. Many people don’t understand how poverty and hunger happens in the U.S.
More than 1.2 million people in New Jersey are going hungry. Almost 400,000 of them are children. In 2013 the poverty rate in New Jersey hit a 52 year high.
But New Jersey’s hunger problem is part of a national trend 1 in 6 people across America turn to soup kitchen and food pantries at one point during the month.
Across the country, fifty million Americans are food-insecure. Here in New Jersey the threat of SNAP eligibility cut backs and a lack of resources to support the growing demand for soup kitchens and pantries has left many residents struggling to nourish themselves and their children. How are they getting by? We take an in-depth look at the hunger epidemic plaguing urban America.
(Published on Oct 22, 2014)